Teleview cameras
Telereview system
The system is designed for visual control over the developing traffic situation and is an integral part of the ITS operation.
System functions
- Television review of road network sections using full-featured TV cameras (remote rotation in the vertical and horizontal planes, focusing, approaching and removing areas and objects of television surveillance);
- Automatic generation and transmission of data to the system for monitoring the parameters of traffic flows;
- Processing and transmitting information to the zonal control centers and the central hardware and software complex of the system;
- Ensuring functioning of automated workstations of the system and collective means of displaying information (video walls, monitors, etc.);
- Archiving video information; this information can also be used to increase safety in the city and prevent accidents;
- The data is integrated with a unified data storage and processing center (UDSPC) and with a system for monitoring traffic flow parameters – CITY EYE;
- Video analytics with traffic events and incidents.