Public transport priority

Calling phase technology at traffic lights
for city transport

Simferopol and Chongarsky boulevards intersection


In 2018, the SpetsDorProject company, as a part of the public transport priority program, chose for the pilot project one of the most problematic intersections in Moscow — the Simferopolsky and Chongarsky boulevards intersection.

According to the monitoring results, several factors were identified as hindering and reducing the capacity of the public transport, private transport and pedestrian.

Solution and results

Specialists of SpetsDorProject modernized the traffic light and introduced adaptive control with calling phases. Inductive loop detectors were installed in the tram ways and roadways to detect trams and, accordingly, trolleybuses, buses, private vehicles. In addition to this, they installed buttons for calling the pedestrian phase, which allowed not to slow down drivers in the absence of pedestrians.

This showed the following results:

— The average time of crossing the intersection has decreased: by tram — by 24%,
by trolleybus — by 45%;

— Previously, it took an average unit of public transport 2 minutes to pass through the intersection , now – at least 4 can pass through the intersection during the same time;

— Waiting time for pedestrians has been reduced by an average of 16%.

South and North Tunnels


In June 2019, the priority of urban transport was ensured when traveling in single-lane tunnels between Batayskaya-Kurskaya and Ilovayskaya-Shosseynaya streets.

Solution and results

Specialists of SpetsDorProject installed inductive loop detectors in the asphalt canvas of the allocated strip. This made it possible to immediately turn on the green light for priority public transport. Drivers began to stop only to pass the bus.

The work performed on average reduced the time of passage of the tunnel by urban transport near Batayskaya street by 5 times (from 10 to 2 minutes), near Ilovayskaya street by 3 times (from 6 to 2 minutes). Now citizens can spend the saved time with their family and friends.