New traffic cameras on the North-East Expressway
North-East Expressway, Moscow
Work continues on a global project to improve road safety in Moscow. It is necessary to increase the level of passive safety on the roads of the capital. The first phase of work on the Moscow Ring Road has been successfully completed, the main object of the second phase of work is the North-East Expressway.
Solutions and results
By the end of the Moscow Ring Road SpetsDorProject specialists have installed 770 video analytics complexes, detecting a great number of incidents, from accidents to animals on the road. These systems help to quickly inform Road police employees and emergency services about the incident.
To install the complexes the SpetsDorProject team had to lay over 300 km of cable lines, install over 1800 shift teams, weld over 100 thousand fiber-optic couplings and use hundreds of other human and material resources.
At the end of July 2022, the second phase of the project began, now on the Northeast Freeway. SpetsDorProject team will install more than 350 video analytics complexes on this section.