ARM Mayor’s

Parameter monitoring
system traffic flows

System purpose

The system for monitoring the parameters of traffic flows provides a centralized collection and display of summary data about the functioning of the city transport complex.

In terms of maintaining and managing the infrastructure of the road network, the city provides indispensable tools for the traffic management situation center, which administer and manage all available forces and means of city traffic control and ensure the safety of citizens.

The way it works

All requests for deficient equipment get into the information system and are automatically assigned to the nearest road service for elimination. This allows you to track the planned and completed work of carriers, build many useful reports for any level of managers in order to make objective, relevant strategic and tactical decisions.

The solution is presented in the form of data marts with a user-friendly interface for both the operator of the situation center and mayors. Any manager instantly receives notifications from all sources and operational services and has the ability to put under control any emergency situations in the city.